Hyoho Niten Ichi-ryu

Home / Uncategorised / 訪問稽古についてのお願い・Request about when visiting Hombu dojo and doing keiko with us

訪問稽古についてのお願い・Request about when visiting Hombu dojo and doing keiko with us

  • 海外より訪問稽古に来られる方も多くなりました。








There were many people who come for a “visit-keiko” from abroad.


We do normal keiko Monday and Thursday evening.

Until now, there were a lot of visitors asking for keiko out of the normal keiko days, and a few who sent a message suddenly  before coming.

We won’t be able to continue if we do not follow some rules properly to avoid each other troubles and inconvenience.

So, there are some requests for visitors about a visit keiko.




From now on, We ask the person who wants to come for a visit keiko, to contribute to expenses by paying a fee.













I would like to explain the procedure for coming for a visit-keiko.


First,  please tell to the National Representative when you would like to go at the Hombu dojo (you can visit for keiko only with Representative  recommendation / approval). Then the Representative will contact the Hombu about your visit.

I will send documents to fill in with wanted schedule and place for keiko.

(Due to work and circumstances, We may decline it)

I will tell you about  an fee and a schedule.

When you visit, please pay on the first day.


When you will come for a visit-keiko, I will help you to have the best experience as possible, so we hope for your cooperation.


From Hombu

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